
Biomagnetism is a way of balancing the magnetic and microbial fields of the body including the organs, tissues, bones, muscles, and many aspects of body functioning.

Biomagnetic therapy belongs to the field of energy and vibrational medicine. By placing a negative pole magnet on various parts of the body and recording contractions and expansions within the body, biomagnetic therapy is able to detect how these balances are related to organ and microbial health (viruses, bacteria, parasites). Thus, biomagnetic therapy practice can determine which imbalances and microbes are causing ill health conditions.

In cases such as digestive issues or body pain, for example, biomagnetic therapy is able to identify its root cause in terms of biomagnetic and microbial balance. So if a digestive issue is being caused by salmonella combined with a parasite called Dientamoeba fragilis, then biomagnetism is capable of detecting and healing these microbes.

Biomagnetic energy is what electromagnetic energy becomes when it is used to communicate within the body. Much scientific evidence shows that cells, bacteria, and viruses all communicate through biomagnetic waves. When a cell is exposed to an electrical field, one side of the cell depolarises while the other hyper-polarises, creating what is called a dipole: a system with positive and negative fields like the opposite sides of a magnet. Thus, all cells have a magnetic field which results in tiny charges moving across the cellular membrane between the insides and the outsides of the cell, giving the cell electric potential.

Rebalancing degraded or disrupted biomagnetic energy is at the heart of the healing that arises from the application of pairs of magnets to various parts of the body (biomagnetism). int on the body will enable that biomagnetic field to come back into balance, thus resulting in an elimination of the symptoms and a return to health. When a particular microbial field (a colony of bacteria or viruses is brought into harmonious balance with the other biomagnetic pulses of the body, then a large number of these microbes can die off, and the remaining ones gradually become nonpathogenic due to the application of a healthy and well balanced biomagnetic field.