REMAP™ is an energy psychology technique that was developed by Steve Reed. The technique uses rapid psychological treatment and combines eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR), thought field therapy, and Emotional Freedom Technique with self-administered acupressure to transform negative thoughts, emotions, and energy patterns within the mind/body system.

The client is taught by the therapist, who self-demonstrates where certain acupressure points are according to the dominant emotion of the memory or event. Clients are then guided in exploring the negative and/or irrational thoughts associated with these memories. Positive and/or rational thoughts created by the client are installed by release of emotional energy stored in the body and by guided eye movement.

During this process, clients can often determine where in the body they are “holding” their emotional trauma (mind/body connection) and can easily recognize the lessening of this sensation during the treatment process. The treatment has been used to help clients experiencing phobias, anxiety, or fear-based memories.