TMJ Therapy

TMJ therapy refers to a range of treatments designed to address issues related to the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which connects the jawbone to the skull. TMJ disorders can cause a wide range of symptoms, including jaw pain, headaches, difficulty opening and closing the mouth, and clicking or popping sounds in the jaw.

The specific approach to TMJ therapy will depend on the underlying cause of the disorder. Some common TMJ therapy options include:

• Lifestyle modifications – Simple changes to your habits, such as avoiding chewing gum or hard foods, can reduce stress on the jaw joint.
• Physical therapy – Exercises and stretches that target the muscles and joints around the TMJ can help relieve pain and improve function.
• Splints or mouthguards – These oral appliances can help to reduce grinding or clenching of the teeth, which can aggravate TMJ pain.
• Medications – Pain relievers, muscle relaxants, and anti-inflammatory drugs can help alleviate TMJ symptoms.
•Injections – Botox injections can be used to relax the muscles around the TMJ and provide pain relief.
•Surgery – In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair or replace damaged TMJ structures.

It’s important to work with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best TMJ therapy plan for your individual needs.

Further Reading:
Learn More about Symptoms & Treatment Options for TMJ