With so many choices available today, deciding which nutritional products to take can be a difficult task to say the least. Most people use a try-it-and-see approach, which can be a costly and time-consuming process. But there’s a much better way to decide from among the multitude of wellness options available to you.
By getting a ZYTO biosurvey, you can find which Virtual Items associated with products your body is most coherent with, thus informing decisions regarding supplements and other personal wellness products.
Evaluating biological preference for Virtual Items associated with nutritional products is a key component of ZYTO Technology. Scannable Virtual Items have been associated with supplements, essential oils, skin-care products, foods, wellness services, and lifestyle options.
The ZYTO software contains more than 40,000 Virtual Items which have been assigned an association with actual items.
A wellness professional can evaluate you for as few or as many of these Virtual Items as desired based on your needs and specific wellness goals. Generally, a biosurvey consists of stressors and balancers; stressors to determine the most divergent Virtual Items, and balancers to determine which Virtual Items are most likely to bring stressors back into range, or balance.
Along with determining your body’s coherence for Virtual Items, a ZYTO biosurvey may provide a wealth of additional information.
ZYTO reports may reveal correlations, patterns, and trends in the Virtual Items that you were scanned for. Your wellness professional may use this information to ask better questions and reveal additional key information to help you remove the barriers preventing you from achieving optimal wellness.
Read on to learn more about what types of items are available in the ZYTO software.
A typical ZYTO biosurvey analyzes key Virtual Items associated to the body.
While the Link app and Balance software evaluate a set number of Virtual Items, the Select and Elite allow you to scan for more than 1,500 additional Virtual Items.
In addition to biomarkers, which are a subset of stressor Virtual Items, the Select and Elite can analyze other Virtual Items associated with the body, such as environmental items. The software contains thousands of these Virtual Items in a variety of categories.
While a session may consist of only a stressor Virtual Items to reveal which may warrant further attention, evaluating balancer Virtual Items often assists to determine which might bring the stressor Virtual Items into range. The ZYTO software contains thousands of balancer Virtual Items from over 250 health and wellness companies in these categories:
With the Select and Elite, you can evaluate more balancer Virtual Items in addition to nutritional products and essential oils. These additional items include:
In total, there are over 40,000 Virtual Items included in the ZYTO software. The scanning process is made easier with a personal item inventory and pre-built biosurveys that guide the selection of items. Due to the amount and variety of available data points, ZYTO technology may reveal factors, trends, and patterns that haven’t been previously considered, allowing you to make better decisions in a shorter amount of time for optimized personal wellness.