Perception Reframing

perception reframing concept - three sketched heads connected by dots

Improve Emotional Wellness with Perception Reframing

The emotional and psychological component of health can have a powerful influence on overall wellness. This component is also one of the most difficult to address because much of what we think and how we view the world is embedded deep in the subconscious. ZYTO perception reframing software, however, is able to help a user address emotional wellness in an effective and powerful way. The software does this by mapping the subtle frequencies in your voice and then focusing on those missing frequencies through a proprietary neurofeedback process.

How Perception Reframing Works

Perception has a powerful impact on your health and wellness. An expansive, positive outlook on life will allow you to function with greater ease and less stress. A limited, negative outlook, on the other hand, can lead to more stress and a cycle of general negative behavior.

Since most perceptions are static, you are likely to repeat behaviors associated with those perceptions, creating the same reality over and over. ZYTO voice mapping software is designed to help you shift your subconscious mind to a more desirable mindset in any area of your life in which you are struggling or want to enhance.

Take control of your reality

ZYTO perception reframing technology is designed to help you break the cycle of holding onto attitudes and ways of dealing with life that limit your ability to be happier, healthier, and more successful. Reframing sessions are available to you through a qualified practitioner who uses our EVOX software.

What Can I Reframe On?

The topics you can reframe on with ZYTO’s voice mapping software are virtually limitless. With guided sessions from an EVOX practitioner, you can choose any topic you are having problems with or want to enhance.

Schedule a FREE online software demo to find out how ZYTO technology can enhance client satisfaction and help you grow your wellness business.

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