Balancer Spotlight – Chakra Balancing

chakras shown on woman meditating in the woods

If you’ve ever been in a yoga class, tried complementary therapies like Reiki, or experimented with various types of meditation, then you have likely come across the word “chakra” before. Perhaps you’ve even been given advice to open your chakras or work on a specific chakra.   But what exactly are chakras? And what do […]

Improve Your Health with a Stress Management Plan

outlining stress management plan with pen and paper

In the modern world, all of us are familiar with stress in some form or another. And unfortunately, many of us are under a lot of stress, a lot of the time.   The bad news is that chronic stress can have some very harmful effects and take a major toll on physical and mental […]

The Most Expensive Essential Oils Money Can Buy

frankincense oil next to oil resin

Essential oils have all sorts of therapeutic properties, and they can be a great tool to add to your health and wellness toolkit. There is a long list of different types of essential oils, all with different benefits, fragrances, uses, and prices. While some essential oils are quite affordable and only cost a few dollars […]

What Are TCM Meridians?

tcm meridians and acupuncture needles displayed on mannequin

If you’ve ever heard of Traditional Chinese Medicine, you’ve likely encountered the term “meridians.” But what are meridians, and what do they have to do with your health and well-being?   In this article, we’ll introduce you to the foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine, describe what TCM meridians are and what they do, and explain […]

6 Supplements for Sugar Cravings

fit young woman fighting off sugary snacks

Do you have a sweet tooth? Does it feel nearly impossible to pass up dessert every single night? Do you constantly feel pulled towards candy, sweet snacks, ice cream, or soda? If so, you might feel addicted to sugar and controlled by your sugar cravings.   But don’t worry, you aren’t alone! The average American […]

The 8 Best Supplements for Runners

runner crossing finish line in stadium

Running can take a lot out of you and put a lot of strain on your body. Your body requires a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients for endurance, energy, strength, performance, and recovery. To help your body be at its best when you run, and to help it recover afterwards, proper nutrition and […]

Stressor Spotlight: Guilt

troubled woman on sofa experiencing guilt

We are all familiar with the feeling of guilt. Whether it’s from a minor event like accidentally breaking a family heirloom or doing serious harm to someone, guilt can be an extremely painful emotion.   Ideally, guilt can serve as a positive motivator that inspires us to make amends and avoid similar mistakes in the […]

What Chinese Face Mapping Can Tell You about Your Health

practitioner examining client's face

Have you ever heard of Chinese face mapping and wondered what it was all about? Let’s take a closer look at this ancient technique from traditional Chinese medicine. We’ll cover what it is, how it works, who might benefit, and how to give it a try for yourself.   What is Chinese face mapping? Chinese […]

35 Questions to Ask Your Doctor

questions to ask your doctor concept - woman talking to doctor

When you get into your doctor’s office, it is easy to slip into a passive role, leaving it up to your provider to take charge and lead the show. Before you know it, you might find yourself leaving your appointment without getting the information you really needed and without asking the questions you really wanted […]

Balancer Spotlight – Tapping

closeup of open hand and forearm

You may have heard of acupuncture or acupressure as alternative healing modalities that can support better health and well-being. But have you ever heard of tapping?   This powerful holistic health technique is meant to help us resolve physical and emotional issues and feel better quickly. By simply focusing on the problem and tapping lightly […]

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