Stressor Spotlight: Stomach

3d graphic of stomach

Our digestive system is a critical component of the body, helping us to break down our food into usable, life-sustaining nutrients that fuel us to carry out our everyday functions. The stomach is an important component of that system, and it plays key roles that aid in the digestive process.   Unfortunately, many people experience […]

Stressor Spotlight – Candida Albicans

candidiasis definition on paper

Have you ever heard of the word Candida and wondered what it was all about?   Candida albicans refers to a type of fungus that, if it gets out of balance, can cause problems in the body. From itchy skin to digestive complaints, Candida can be behind a wide range of symptoms and health concerns. […]

8 Benefits of Taking a Holistic Approach to Health

practitioner consulting client - holistic approach concept

The concepts of holistic health go back thousands of years to ancient healing traditions like Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine. But recently, they have been regaining in popularity.1   Holistic health and holistic medicine offer a whole-person approach to health care, helping you to treat illnesses, boost your well-being, and set yourself up for a […]

What Does a Biofeedback Machine Do?

doctor connecting patient to emg biofeedback machine

Imagine if your car had no speedometer. You might have a basic idea of how fast you are going, by say, comparing your speed to other cars. However, without continuous, accurate feedback on your speed, it may be difficult to adjust to the ever-changing road environment.   In the same way, we can have a […]

Stressor Spotlight: Movement

man jogging on mountaintop at sunrise

As a global population, we are moving less than we ever have before. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that 60-85% of people in the world lead sedentary lifestyles—meaning they spend most of their time sitting and do little to no physical activity. Sadly, this problem isn’t just limited to adults; about two-thirds of […]

Biofeedback vs. Neurofeedback – What’s the Difference?

biofeedback sensors on palm

Biofeedback and neurofeedback are both complementary medicine tools that have been gaining in popularity more and more with time. While you may have heard of biofeedback and neurofeedback, it is easy to be confused about what these terms really mean and whether or not they actually refer to the same thing.   Both of these […]

Stressor Spotlight: Cardiovascular System

heartbeat 3d body graphic

Did you know that the #1 leading cause of death for men and women is heart disease?1 Due to the prevalence of this disease, ensuring that the cardiovascular system is functioning properly should be a top priority for everyone.   Our cardiovascular system is a vital part of the body that has many essential responsibilities. […]

Do Blue Light Glasses Work? Here’s What the Research Says

close up of man wearing blue light glasses

Many people are turning to blue light glasses for relief with eye strain and to support their sleep. But do blue light glasses work, or are they just another gadget that offers false promises?   Let’s take a look at what blue light is, how blue light glasses work, and what the research says on […]

7 Ayurvedic Medicine Benefits

ayurvedic medicine herbs and bottles on table

Ayurvedic medicine is a traditional, holistic approach to medicine. It has been around for thousands of years in India, and about 70% of the rural population in India still depends on the traditions of Ayurveda for medical care.1   But today, Ayurveda is becoming more and more popular worldwide—with about 240,000 American adults using Ayurvedic […]

9 Ways to Improve Patient Experience & Satisfaction

practitioner going over results with patient

Whether you are a physician, nutritionist, therapist, chiropractor, herbalist, or any other type of practitioner with your own practice, you probably have the same goal: to provide quality care to your patients and to conduct a successful business at the same time.   Today, there is no shortage of options for patients when choosing their […]

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