What Can Voice Analysis Tell You About Your Health?
Did you know that how you talk might actually say a lot about the state of your health and wellness? A new hot topic in medical engineering research is disease and health detection via voice analysis. There is growing research suggesting that voice analysis can help to assess health and diagnose certain diseases, […]
Become Your Best Self with These 9 Daily Habits
Are you feeling stuck in a rut? Like everything you are doing is only just good enough—but you know that you are capable of so much more? It is easy to get caught up in daily life, doing the same thing over and over again and calling it enough. But if you really want […]
5 Most Common Relationship Problems — and Solutions!
Every relationship will have its ups and downs. Throughout the course of your relationship, you are likely to run into many different bumps in the road. It isn’t these bumps themselves that will make or break a relationship; it is how you are able to handle them together as a team. A strong relationship […]
Top 5 Immune Boosters for Kids
If you have a young child, then you are no stranger to dealing with colds, flus, and sicknesses. Getting sick is just part of life for young children, and it is something to be expected. Because their immune systems haven’t yet fully developed, a child’s risk of infection is much higher than that of […]
What Is the Best Autoimmune Disease Diet & Lifestyle?
While only a few are well-known and easily recognized by name (like type 1 diabetes), autoimmune disorders are an alarmingly common issue for many. Collectively, autoimmune diseases affect 23.5 million Americans.1 They are more common in females than in males and are considered among the leading causes of death in young and middle-aged women.2 3 […]
7 Health Benefits of Houseplants
Unfortunately, a lot of us end up having to spend a lot of time indoors. But as human beings, we were meant to interact with and be surrounded by nature. And our health can actually take quite a toll when we aren’t exposed to enough green space and plant life on a daily basis. […]
9 Dietitian Tools for Better Health
Similar to nutritionists, dietitians are health professionals who use their expert knowledge in the field of food and nutrition to help people make positive lifestyle changes. These practitioners have training in the science of nutrition, which they translate into practical solutions for clients to assist them in reaching their health goals. This may mean supporting […]
7 Best Herbs for Nervous System Health
The nervous system is what keeps everything in your body working in harmony, so that you can move throughout the world, perform your daily functions, think clearly, and maintain health inside your body. So if you want to prevent a whole host of problems, health conditions, and serious diseases, then keeping your nervous system in top […]
7 Best Vitamins for Stress (plus 2 Anti-Stress Minerals)
Do you feel busy all the time, like you can never quite catch up or finish all of your tasks? Do you feel like you’re under a constant pressure to perform at home and at work and to complete everything on your to-do list? Does it all feel overwhelming? None of us are strangers […]
5 Deep Breathing Exercises for Respiratory Health
After you hit about age 35, lung function starts to gradually decline. This means that as you age, your diaphragm muscles get weaker, your lung tissues lose elasticity, and your rib cage gets smaller. All of these add up to decreased lung capacity.1 So if you’ve been experiencing shortness of breath and feel like your […]