
Grow your practice with ZYTO technology

No matter what kind of health practitioner you are, ZYTO can help you increase client satisfaction and grow your practice with our powerful biocommunication hardware and software. Our solutions are designed to help you discover and remove barriers to personal wellness.

Direct data for better insights

ZYTO is designed to enhance your current client-care process by providing additional data readings directly from the body. This data can be incorporated with client history, questionnaires, and tests to help you ask better questions and recommend more relevant nutrition and services.

Achieve wellness goals faster

With ZYTO, you can scan for hundreds of stressor and balancer digital signatures in just a few minutes. The ability to collect more data in a shorter amount of time can assist you in developing a more effective plan for your client that will help them reach their wellness goals faster.

Scan clients anywhere

ZYTO Technology not only helps practitioners and clients make better wellness decisions in the office, but also gives them the ability to scan clients outside the office with the remote feature. Included in all Professional products, ZYTO Remote has helped many practitioners expand their practices globally.

Who uses ZYTO?

From health coaches to medical doctors, the list of practitioners who have integrated ZYTO scanning into their practices is long and diverse. Our professional product line assists those who practice in specific areas as well as those who practice holistic health.

Our technology is often used in wellness centers where various types of healthcare professionals practice. Approved certifications for using ZYTO Pro products include:


  • DC: Doctor of Chiropractic
  • DO: Doctor of Osteopathy
  • MD: Medical Doctor
  • ND: Naturopathic Doctor
  • OMD: Oriental Medicine Doctor
  • DOM: Doctor of Oriental Medicine
  • PhD: Doctor of Philosophy
  • HMD: Homeopathic Medical Doctor
  • DDS: Doctor of Dental Surgery
female doctor consulting her patient
practitioner video chatting with client


  • FNP: Family Nurse Practitioner
  • HNC: Certified Holistic Nurse
  • LPN: Licensed Practical Nurse
  • RN: Registered Nurse
  • PA: Physician Assistant

Health Coaches

  • CCN: Certified Clinical Nutritionist
  • RNC: Registered Nutritional Counselor
  • CLC: Certified Life Coach
  • CHHC: Certified Holistic Health Coach
personal trainer working with client riding a stationary bike
female therapist with pen and notebook conversing with female client


  • Clinical Hypnotherapist
  • LMT: Licensed Massage Therapist
  • PT: Physical Therapist
  • OT: Occupational Therapist or Music Therapist
  • Psychologist

Other Practitioners

  • Holistic Health Practitioner
  • Certified Herbalist
  • RPh: Licensed Pharmacist
  • QRA: Quantum Reflex Analysis Practitioner
  • LAC: Licensed Acupuncturist
  • AP: Acupuncture Physician
  • Biofeedback Technician
  • Bioenergetic Practitioner
  • Iridologist
female acupuncturist treating female client

Which product is right for you?

Choosing the ZYTO product that’s right for your practice depends on how expansive you want your scanning options to be, how many product lines you are using or want to use, what level of customization you want for client reports, and your budget.

Get robust reports with detailed information about the biomarkers scanned. Services you offer or refer out can also be scanned, and you can also scan clients remotely.

Scan many more biomarkers as well as choose from products from over 200 companies. Multiple biosurveys such as the Advanced and Foods for Wellness scans are included.

Unlock the full potential of ZYTO technology. Access all ZYTO libraries, customize your library, create your own biosurveys, run customized manual scans, and much more!

Powerfully address the emotional aspect of health by helping clients overcome limiting thoughts that may be holding them back in life with our perception reframing software.

To learn more about how our software products compare, visit the Product Comparison page

Combining products for more effective results

Practitioners often combine a Balance, Select, or Elite system with EVOX perception reframing technology to address these two related aspects of wellness in a more holistic way.

Additionally, some practitioners combine the Balance for front-office scanning with a Select or Elite system to run more in-depth scans when visiting with clients one-on-one.

These software solutions can be integrated to make transitioning between products a seamless experience as you are scanning and consulting with clients.

Ready to learn more?

Have additional questions about ZYTO biocommunication technology and how it can improve client care and grow your practice? Don’t hesitate to give us a call or schedule a free online demo!

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